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In-the-Moment Customer Insights: Driving Success Across Every Touchpoint

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer success is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. Companies are increasingly focused on building long-term relationships with their customers, ensuring their needs are met, and maximizing their lifetime value. This requires a deep understanding of customer behavior, achieved through real-time data and insights. Here’s where the concept of in-the-moment customer insights comes into play.

What is In-the-Moment Customer Insight?

eye, pupil, rays

In-the-moment customer insights are the ability to highlight key customer data, trends, and insights precisely when your teams need them most. Imagine a real-time customer intelligence assistant working alongside your customer success managers (CSMs), account managers (AMs), and leaders. This assistant proactively surfaces relevant customer details within your existing workflows, empowering your team to make informed decisions and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

When a CSM or AM starts their day in the Inbox, customer insights can be configured to help them understand which are customers in red health and which are in excellent health.

Imagine, you have the ability to bring up similar experience on Calendar, CRM pages, Helpdesk, Inhouse tools and more . What’s more, the content that is shown in the popup is entirely configurable based on organization requirements , role and applications. You have the ability to add charts and trends to highlight key product usage metric trends and other user performance KPIs.

Here’s a breakdown of the ‘in-the-moment’ concept:

  • Focus on the “when”: These insights are delivered at the precise moment your team is most likely to need them. Imagine a CSM reading a customer email – that’s the perfect time to surface relevant customer data like past interactions or recent support tickets.

  • Triggered by context: In-the-moment insights don’t require your team to go searching for information. The system recognizes the context (reading an email, looking at a calendar) and proactively surfaces relevant customer details to help the users do the underlying flow of work more efficiently and effectively.

Actionable and concise: The information presented is focused and actionable. It’s a quick summary of key customer metrics, past interactions, or potential issues that helps your team stay on top of the account and make informed decisions.

Benefits Across the Customer Journey

In-the-moment customer insights offer significant advantages throughout the customer journey, impacting various teams within your organization. Let’s explore these benefits in detail by examining teams such as Customer Success, Account Managers, Support Agents and Leaders. This can all be deployed on their existing operational tools such as CRM, Helpdesk, CSP, Inbox etc

1. Enhanced Customer Success with CRMs and CSPs:

Contextual Awareness for Personalized Interactions:

Imagine a Account Manager or CSM working in Salesforce or Gainsight reviewing a customer email. In-the-moment insights can automatically display relevant data like past support tickets, recent product usage trends, or upcoming renewal dates. This allows CSMs to personalize their communication, addressing specific concerns or highlighting valuable resources.

Proactive Problem-Solving and Retention Strategies:

Customer Success Platforms (CSPs) like Gainsight and ChurnZero can leverage in-the-moment insights within Salesforce. As a CSM reviews a customer account, the system can flag potential churn indicators based on product usage patterns or recent support interactions. This allows for proactive intervention and targeted support to address potential issues before they escalate.

Streamlined Workflows and Increased Efficiency:

No more switching between multiple platforms or digging through CRM data. In-the-moment insights surface relevant customer information directly within the workflow CSMs are already using. This reduces context switching and saves valuable time that can be spent on building stronger customer relationships.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

In-the-moment insights present data in a concise and actionable format, empowering CSMs and AMs to make data-driven decisions regarding customer success plans, feature adoption, and overall account health.

2. Unlocking Churn Reduction with Health Scores and Proactive Actions:

  • Real-Time Health Score Visibility: Imagine a Account Manager working in Salesforce reviewing a customer account. In-the-moment insights, integrated with Gainsight, can display the customer’s real-time health score directly within the Salesforce interface. This eliminates the need to switch platforms and provides a quick snapshot of the customer’s overall health.

  • Triggering Proactive Interventions Based on Health Score: CSPs like ChurnZero can establish health score thresholds that indicate potential churn risk. In-the-moment insights can leverage these thresholds within Salesforce. When a customer’s health score dips below the threshold, CSMs are automatically notified, prompting them to take immediate action.

  • Examples of Proactive Actions Based on Health Score:

    • Low Product Usage: If a customer’s health score indicates low product usage, in-the-moment insights can trigger to the CSM reminding them to schedule a quick onboarding call or product walkthrough.

    • Declining Customer Satisfaction: A dip in customer satisfaction score within ChurnZero can trigger an in-the-moment insight in Inbox and CRM. This prompts the CSM to reach out for a proactive feedback call.

    • Upcoming Renewal Concerns: If a customer with a low health score has an approaching renewal date, in-the-moment insights can flag this within Salesforce. This empowers CSMs to proactively discuss renewal options, highlight the value proposition, and potentially offer incentives to encourage continued subscription.

3. Empowering Support Agents with Helpdesk Systems:

  • Contextual Awareness for Personalized Support: Imagine an agent receiving a support ticket in Zendesk. In-the-moment insights can instantly surface relevant customer data like past interactions, purchase history, or product usage patterns. This allows the agent to understand the customer’s context and tailor their communication for a more personalized experience.

  • Enhanced Efficiency and Resolution Speed: No more digging through multiple screens or siloed data. In-the-moment insights surface relevant customer information directly within the helpdesk ticket, eliminating the need for time-consuming searches. This allows agents to focus on what matters most – resolving customer issues quickly and efficiently.

  • Improved Customer Sentiment and Reduced Escalations: Sentiment analysis tools integrated with activated data and insights can scan customer support conversations within Freshdesk. This empowers agents to identify frustration early on and adjust their communication style to be more empathetic and understanding.

Faster Issue Resolution: Agents can address customer needs quickly and efficiently thanks to contextual awareness and reduced information gathering.
Personalized Customer Interactions: Agents can tailor their communication to each customer, creating a more positive experience.
Reduced Customer Frustration: Early identification of negative sentiment allows for proactive de-escalation strategies.
Increased Customer Satisfaction: Faster resolution, personalized interactions, and reduced frustration lead to happier customers.

AppEQ does the heavy lifting of integrating seamlessly with your existing applications like your Product analytics, CRM, Helpdesk and more . Data integration is made easy by bringing in transactional data, connecting directly into your operational tools like enterprise SaaS apps or inhouse built web apps and data warehouse and adhoc-data like raw data from spreadsheets.

Customer Data Collection, Integration and Data Activation

Once the data is connected, it can be activated on the platform where your teams operate. All the data activation work can be handled by business teams like Customer Success or Sales or Support teams, giving faster turn around and higher impact. Syncing data, Activate data can be done from the UI interface by the teams who know their business process and challenges more deeply.

What’s more, your can not only activate first-party data but also third party data which are curated by AppEQ from multiple sources like Linkedin, Crunchbase.

Mapping data is easily done to make sure data can be grouped based on accounts, users and contacts once data is connected with enterprise apps through API or data warehouse.

Driving Higher Revenue Through Upsell and Cross-Sell:

Identifying Upsell Opportunities Based on Usage:

In-the-moment actionable insights, integrated with Salesforce, can analyze customer product usage data. When an AM sees a customer consistently maxing out core features, insights can trigger a notification suggesting relevant upsell options. For instance, an AM might identify a customer frequently reaching storage limits, prompting them to propose a higher-tier plan with increased storage capacity.

Underutilized Features with High-Value Potential:

Insights through data activation can analyze product usage data to identify features a customer isn’t utilizing. However, this feature might offer significant value when paired with core functionalities the customer already uses. The AM can then suggest relevant training resources or highlight use cases to unlock the full potential of the existing product suite.

Personalized Cross-Sell Recommendations Driven by Customer Needs:

  • Identifying Feature Gaps and Complementary Products: By analyzing customer interactions (support tickets, chat logs) and product usage data, in-the-moment data activation and insights can identify areas where a customer might be struggling. This allows the AM to recommend complementary products from the company’s portfolio that address those specific needs. For example, an AM might see a customer frequently requesting support for a specific task. Insights can then suggest a complementary product that automates that task, streamlining the customer’s workflow.

  • Leveraging Purchase History for Targeted Cross-Sell Offers: Insights can analyze past purchases to identify trends and predict potential needs. Imagine a customer who recently purchased a marketing automation tool. Insights can suggest the AM recommend an integration with a CRM system, creating a more holistic marketing and sales workflow for the customer.

Real-Time Context for More Compelling Conversations:

  • Understanding Account Health and Usage Trends: Before entering a customer meeting, the AM can utilize in-the-moment insights through data activation within HubSpot to get a real-time snapshot of the account health and recent product usage trends. This allows them to tailor their conversation, highlighting the customer’s successes with the core product and seamlessly introducing relevant upsell or cross-sell options.

  • Addressing Usage Concerns Proactively: If customer sentiment analysis within Salesforce reveals concerns about product limitations, data activation can flag this for the AM. This allows them to proactively address these concerns during the conversation and showcase the benefits of upselling to a more robust plan that meets the customer’s evolving needs.


By equipping Account Managers with in-the-moment insights through data activation within their existing CRMs, you unlock a treasure trove of upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Increased Revenue: Targeted upsell and cross-sell recommendations lead to higher average deal sizes and improved customer lifetime value.

  • Improved Customer Relationships: By focusing on solutions that address specific customer needs, AMs foster stronger and more trusting relationships.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Insights empower AMs to make informed decisions regarding upsell and cross-sell strategies based on real-time customer data.

In-the-moment customer insights transform reactive sales tactics into proactive, data-driven revenue generation strategies. By leveraging these insights within their CRMs, AMs can identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities with laser focus, ultimately propelling your business towards sustainable growth.

Customer Success: Powered by In-the-Moment Insights

In-the-moment customer insights represent a significant paradigm shift in customer relationship management. By bridging the gap between data and action, these insights empower businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences across every touchpoint. From proactive customer success initiatives to personalized support interactions and data-driven upsell strategies, in-the-moment insights are the key to unlocking long-term customer loyalty and achieving sustainable business success.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated applications of in-the-moment customer insights:

Predictive Analytics and Next-Level Proactivity:

Imagine a system that can not only identify potential churn risks but also predict customer needs and suggest proactive interventions. In-the-moment actionable insights through right customer data activation, coupled with advanced predictive analytics, will enable businesses to anticipate customer challenges and deliver solutions before they even arise.

AI-Powered Personalization for Hyper-Relevant Interactions:

Artificial intelligence (AI) will further enhance the personalization capabilities of in-the-moment insights. By analyzing a wider range of customer data points, including sentiment, behavior patterns, and past interactions, AI can generate hyper-personalized recommendations for upsells, cross-sells, and support interactions.

Omnichannel Integration for a Seamless Customer Journey:

In-the-moment insights through data will seamlessly integrate across all customer touchpoints, from website interactions and social media conversations to mobile app usage and in-person interactions. This will provide a holistic view of the customer journey, enabling businesses to deliver consistent and personalized experiences across every channel.

Real-Time Customer Journey Optimization:

By continuously analyzing customer behavior data in real-time, in-the-moment insights can be used to optimize the customer journey. This might involve streamlining onboarding processes, personalizing website content based on individual needs, or dynamically adjusting product recommendations in real-time.

Data Teams Empowered: The In-the-Moment Customer Insights Advantage

For data teams, the struggle is real: gathering customer data is time-consuming, siloed, and often paints a historical picture. In-the-moment customer insights change the game. Imagine real-time, actionable intelligence flowing directly to your team. Here’s how it empowers you:

1. Efficiency Boost:

  • Automated Data Collection: Ditch manual data gathering. Insights can automatically pull data from CRMs, helpdesks, and analytics, freeing you for advanced tasks like building predictive models and uncovering hidden trends.

2. Deeper Customer Understanding:

  • Context Matters: Insights analyze data within specific touchpoints, revealing customer motivations and pain points. This “why” behind the data is invaluable.

  • Real-Time Churn Prediction: Identify at-risk customers in real-time based on sentiment, product usage, and support interactions. This empowers proactive interventions.

3. Collaboration and Democratization:

  • Real-Time Insights for All: Insights get delivered to CSMs, AMs, and product managers, fostering data-driven decision making across departments.

  • Data for Everyone: User-friendly dashboards and visualizations make customer data accessible, enabling non-technical teams to leverage insights in daily activities.

With in-the-moment insights, data teams become strategic partners in customer success. Expect increased efficiency, deeper customer understanding, data-driven decisions across the business, and improved collaboration. In short, in-the-moment insights transform data teams from analysts to proactive drivers of customer success.

Customer Relationships and Business Growth

These advancements in in-the-moment customer insights will have a profound impact on customer relationships and business growth:

  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value: By fostering deeper customer loyalty and reducing churn, businesses can expect to see a significant increase in customer lifetime value.

  • Improved Customer Experience: Proactive problem solving, personalized interactions, and a focus on customer needs will lead to higher customer experience scores and positive brand perception.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making Across the Organization: The insights gleaned from real-time customer data will inform every aspect of the business, from product development and marketing strategies to customer success initiatives and sales forecasting.

  • Competitive Differentiation: Businesses that leverage in-the-moment customer insights effectively will gain a significant competitive advantage by delivering an exceptional customer experience that sets them apart from the competition.

In-the-moment customer insights are not just a trend; they are the future for powering customer success. By embracing this powerful technology and its continuous advancements, businesses can build stronger customer relationships, drive growth, and thrive in today’s dynamic and competitive landscape.

Table of Contents

Picture of Manoranjan Ingudam

Manoranjan Ingudam

Co-Founder, ; 2X Founder, Passionate about Customer Led Growth | Technology Enthusiast | Customer Success Leader

What is AppEQ? 


AppEQ is a lightweight customer data activation plugin that brings customer data like product usage data/trends right at CSM’s fingertips , on their existing applications like Inbox/CRM /CSP /HelpDesk. We integrate data directly from product analytics like Pendo, Mixpanel, Amplitude and CRM like Salesforce, Hubspot etc. 

Our capability to bring this within your existing applications through our in-app widgets  leads to much higher adoption  and implementation time of 1 week or less

Using Salesforce For Customer Success

How to use salesforce for customer success ? Imagine having a powerhouse like Salesforce under the hood of your business operations but finding yourself stuck